Emerging Biology and Life sciences

Emerging Biology and Life Sciences (ISSN : 3023-3410) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to advancing research in the fields of biology and life sciences. Our mission is to provide a platform for scientists, biologists, researchers, and life science enthusiasts to disseminate their pioneering research, share insights, and contribute to the growth of knowledge in these vibrant and ever-evolving disciplines. Established in [Year], our journal is committed to exploring the mysteries of life, from the microscopic world of cells to the grand ecosystems that sustain us.

Our journals aren't just a platform for knowledge; they're a place for conversation, debate, and collaboration. Share your thoughts, engage with our authors, and be part of the global scientific community.


Call for Papers: Volume 2023


We are pleased to invite biologists, life scientists, researchers, and scholars to submit their original research papers, reviews, and case studies for the upcoming issue of Emerging Biology and Life Sciences Research. Our journal provides a platform for the dissemination of cutting-edge research in the fields of biology and life sciences, and it aims to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among experts in these ever-evolving disciplines.

Read more about Call for Papers: Volume 2023

Current Issue

Volume 2023
Published: 2023-12-01