At Emerging Publisher, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical publishing. This Publishing Ethics Policy outlines our principles and practices that guide the conduct of our authors, reviewers, editors, and the editorial team to ensure the integrity, transparency, and quality of the research we publish.

1. Authorship and Contributorship

  • Authors should meet the criteria for authorship, as outlined in the journal's guidelines, and have made a substantial intellectual contribution to the research.

  • All authors must provide accurate and complete information about their contributions to the manuscript. Honorary authorship is strongly discouraged.

  • Authors must ensure that all individuals who have made significant contributions are appropriately acknowledged or listed as co-authors.

2. Plagiarism and Originality

  • Plagiarism in all forms is strictly prohibited. Authors must provide original work and cite all sources properly.

  • Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could affect the integrity of their work or its interpretation.

  • Reuse of one's own work (self-plagiarism) must be properly cited and disclosed.

3. Peer Review and Fair Review Practices

  • Reviewers are expected to provide objective, constructive, and unbiased assessments of the manuscripts they review.

  • Reviewers should disclose any conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from reviewing any manuscript where such conflicts exist.

  • Editors are responsible for ensuring the fairness and impartiality of the peer review process.

4. Data Integrity and Reproducibility

  • Authors should provide accurate and complete data and ensure the reproducibility of their work. Data fabrication and falsification are strictly prohibited.

  • Authors must retain and provide access to data as required for verification and replication.

5. Publication Ethics and Transparency

  • The publication process should be transparent, and any errors or issues identified after publication should be corrected promptly and transparently.

  • Allegations of research misconduct, ethical violations, or conflicts of interest will be investigated and addressed appropriately.

6. Ethical Oversight and Compliance

  • Research involving human subjects, animals, or sensitive data should be conducted in accordance with relevant ethical standards and guidelines.

  • Authors should provide evidence of ethical approval for such research when required.

7. Corrections and Retractions

  • Corrections to published work should be issued for minor errors, while retractions should be issued for significant errors or ethical violations.

  • Authors should cooperate with the editorial team to provide corrections or retractions when necessary.

8. Open Access and Licensing

  • Authors publishing in open access journals should choose appropriate licenses, such as Creative Commons licenses, to enable wide dissemination and reuse of their work.

9. Appeals and Complaints

  • Authors have the right to appeal editorial decisions or file complaints about editorial conduct. Emerging Publisher has a formal appeals process in place to address such concerns.

10. Continuous Improvement

  • We continually assess and update our publishing ethics policies and practices to ensure that they align with evolving standards and best practices in scholarly publishing.

11. Reporting and Whistleblower Protection

  • Emerging Publisher is committed to protecting whistleblowers and individuals who report ethical violations or misconduct in good faith.

This Publishing Ethics Policy reflects Emerging Publisher's unwavering commitment to upholding ethical standards in scholarly publishing. We uphold the values of integrity, transparency, and originality in research, and we actively work to ensure the highest ethical standards in our publications.

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