Peer review is a fundamental aspect of ensuring the quality, validity, and integrity of scholarly work. At Emerging Publisher, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of peer review to maintain the excellence of the research we publish. This Peer Review Policy outlines our approach and principles for conducting the peer review process.

1. Review Types

  • Double-Blind Review: Both authors and reviewers are anonymous to each other.

2. Selection of Reviewers

Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the subject matter. The selection process considers factors such as academic qualifications, research experience, and publication record. We aim for diversity and inclusivity in our pool of reviewers to provide a comprehensive evaluation.

3. Ethical Considerations

All reviewers are required to adhere to ethical guidelines, including:

  • Confidentiality: Reviewers must keep the review process and manuscript contents confidential.

  • Unbiased Evaluation: Reviewers should provide objective, constructive, and unbiased assessments of the submitted work.

  • Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest: Reviewers must declare any potential conflicts of interest that may compromise their impartiality in reviewing a manuscript.

4. Review Process

The peer review process at Emerging Publisher typically follows these steps:

  • Manuscript Submission: Authors submit their work through our online submission system.

  • Initial Assessment: The editorial team performs an initial assessment to check for compliance with formatting and ethical guidelines.

  • Reviewer Invitation: Reviewers are invited based on their expertise. They can accept or decline the invitation.

  • Reviewing: Reviewers assess the manuscript for originality, significance, methodology, presentation, and adherence to ethical standards. They may provide recommendations, suggestions, and comments.

  • Editorial Decision: The editorial team uses reviewers' feedback to make informed decisions, which may include acceptance, revision, or rejection.

  • Revision: If revision is recommended, authors are invited to revise and resubmit the manuscript based on reviewer feedback.

  • Final Decision: The editorial team makes the final decision based on the revised manuscript and its alignment with the journal's standards.

5. Timeliness

We strive to ensure a timely review process. Reviewers are requested to complete their evaluations within a reasonable timeframe, usually within a set number of weeks. Authors are informed of expected timelines and are encouraged to adhere to them.

6. Appeals and Complaints

Authors may appeal decisions if they believe there were errors or bias in the review process. We have a formal appeals process in place to address such concerns.

7. Reviewer Recognition

We acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of our reviewers. Their names may be published in a list of acknowledgments at the end of each journal issue.

8. Continuous Improvement

We continuously assess and improve our peer review process to ensure that it remains fair, effective, and aligned with best practices in scholarly publishing.

This Peer Review Policy reflects Emerging Publisher's commitment to maintaining the highest standards of peer review to ensure the quality and integrity of the research we publish. We adhere to evolving peer review practices and uphold the values of transparency, ethics, and excellence in scholarly publishing.

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