At Emerging Publisher, we are committed to promoting the principles of open access to foster the free exchange of knowledge, promote transparency, and enhance global accessibility to scholarly work. Our Open Access Policy underscores our dedication to these principles and defines our approach to open access publishing.

Definition of Open Access

Open access refers to the unrestricted online availability of research and scholarly content, allowing users to access, read, download, share, and reuse this content without financial, legal, or technical barriers. At Emerging Publisher, we recognize two primary models for achieving open access:

  1. Gold Open Access: Articles and content are freely accessible to readers immediately upon publication, with the costs of publication covered by author fees, institutions, or other funding sources.

  2. Green Open Access: Author-accepted manuscripts or preprints are deposited in repositories, subject to embargo periods, allowing for free access to a version of the content even before formal publication.

Open Access Principles

  1. Accessibility: We commit to ensuring that all published research content is readily accessible to a global audience. This includes articles, reviews, and supplementary materials.

  2. Free to Read: We affirm that all research content will be free to read without any form of subscription, login, or purchase requirements.

  3. Reuse and Redistribution: Users are permitted to download, share, distribute, and reuse content, provided they attribute the original source correctly. We encourage the use of Creative Commons licenses to facilitate reuse and redistribution.

  4. Author Choice: Authors are given the choice to select the open access publishing option, which may involve covering publication fees. This choice empowers authors to decide on the visibility and accessibility of their work.

Funding and Sustainability

Open access publishing relies on sustainable funding models to cover the costs of publication, such as peer review, editing, and online hosting. Emerging Publisher utilizes a combination of author publication fees, institutional support, and other funding sources to sustain open access publishing. However, we are committed to minimizing financial barriers and provide fee waivers or discounts based on author eligibility and availability of funds.

Green Open Access

Authors publishing with Emerging Publisher have the option to deposit their accepted manuscripts or preprints in institutional or subject-specific repositories. We support the use of preprint archives and other platforms that facilitate green open access.

Embargo Periods

Where applicable, we may impose embargo periods to strike a balance between the needs of authors, institutions, and journal sustainability. During embargo periods, the published version will remain behind paywalls while the author-accepted manuscript is accessible. This helps address concerns about financial sustainability while promoting the principles of open access.

Open Access Statement

Every published article includes a clear and concise open access statement that indicates the type of open access (gold or green), licensing terms, and availability for reuse.

Compliance with Funding Agencies

Emerging Publisher supports compliance with funding agencies' open access mandates and requirements, ensuring that research funded by public or private organizations is accessible to the public.

This Open Access Policy reflects Emerging Publisher's commitment to open access principles. We continually review and update our policies to align with evolving open access standards and practices, ensuring that our publishing practices contribute to the global dissemination of knowledge and scholarly advancement.

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